Save A Heart | Information

Est. 2019

Carry Aspirin, You Can Save A Life

Welcome, Heart Heroes!

Thank you for taking the important step to protect yourself and your loved ones from a heart attack emergency. By choosing the Save a Heart Pill Fob, you’re not just carrying a life-saving tool—you’re joining a community dedicated to preparedness and heart health.

Your commitment to being ready for heart attack emergencies makes you a true Heart Hero.

Medical Grade

Made from Stainless Steel (silver pill fob) & Titanium (black pill fob)

Holds Aspirin

Designed to hold 2 325mg pills (not included)


Red O-ring ensures pill fob is water tight

Wherever You Go

Easily attaches to car & household keychain

Saves Lives

We are proud to have saved 20+ lives to date

Doctors Recommend

ASA slows clotting and decreases the size of the forming blood clot

Frequently Asked Questions



* ASA should NOT be given to someone experiencing a stroke as it could worsen their condition.

* ASA should NOT be given to someone with an ASA allergy.

* Always allow the individual experiencing the heart attack to administer their own ASA.

Our Story

Save A Heart is a family run business that was founded in 2019. The idea behind the creation of Save a Heart resulted from the loss of our uncle to a heart attack. Had he had ASA on hand, he might still be with us today. Our goal is to improve the survival rates of heart attack victims and prevent other families from experiencing a devastating loss.

Save a Heart is proud to report that our product has been instrumental in saving multiple lives. The fact that Aspirin was on hand when it mattered most is a testament to the importance of our mission.

Lives Saved

Save a Heart is proud to report that our product has been instrumental in saving multiple lives. We continue to strive towards improving survival rates for heart attack victims.

20+ Lives Saved

"I recently ordered this for my mom and father in law. My mom had been having some issues and I was drawn to the product just “having a feeling”. Two days after giving it to my mom she had a heart attack. The aspirin helped to save her heart. Thank you for creating this product!!!"


Thank you for creating this product

"Two weeks after purchasing Save a Heart and putting it on my keychain. I was with someone who was experiencing heart attack symptoms. Gave the person the two 81mg aspirins from my Save a Heart keychain. Having the aspirins readily available contributed in saving the individuals life. Thank you."


Thank you

"A friend was experiencing chest pain and symptoms of a heart attack. He chewed the three emergency aspirins in his fob, called 911, sat down and waited for the ambulance. The doctors told him later that the aspirins likely saved his life. I have since purchased fobs for all my family."


Saves Lives

"I have gifted a number of the Pill Fobs over the years after my father had a heart attack. I recently purchased more to share with friends. A week later a friend had to call an ambulance for her mother and was advised to giver her two aspirin, which she now had on her key chain. On their journey to the hospital the paramedic gave her a refill for her fob!"


Gifted Just In Time